Registration of electricity, gas, water, telephone and radio license fee

Usually the landlord takes care of water supply. As a renter you are responsible for the registration of electricity. Because there are many electricity providers with different prices, it is worth it to compare the offers. Ask your landlord whether you are responsible for the heating supply as well. When calculating the social benefits you receive, your funding agency takes into account costs for water and heat supply (including heating of the apartment and hot water). Electricity costs that do not result from the heat supply are not taken into account.

For staying in contact with your friends and your family in your native country, it will be important to have an internet and telephone connection. There are many providers as well. You should never conclude a contract by phone. We recommend that you seek consultation in a local shop.

For the use of radio, TV and internet you have to pay a radio license fee. If you receive benefits from a funding agency, you do not have to pay the fee. For a remission of the fee send the completed online form with a copy of your Bewilligungsbescheid to ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice.