Step 3: Contacting the landlord

Once you have found a suitable apartment contact the landlord by phone or email and tell him or her which offer you are interested in and ask for an appointment to visit the apartment. Note questions that have not been answered in the offer.
Note the name of the landlord (and/or the person, who will show you the apartment), the address, the date, the time and the phone number in case you will have further questions or you need to postpone the appointment.
The landlord might ask you questions, as he or she wants to get to know the person that moves in. You should answer honestly, but you do not have to answer questions about:
- Ethnic origin
- Health condition, pregnancy
- Legal conflicts
- Political views, party affiliation
- Membership in tenants association or a union
- Private life (interests, hobbies)
If you want to contact the landlord by phone and do not speak German, ask for support. You find contact persons on this page.